Sunday morning service is time for worship and instruction.
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.
If it's your first visit here's some useful information:
Starts at 10:30am and finishes at 11:30am
No particular dress code
Hymn books and bibles are in the pews
There's a comfy cushion on each pew
You can sit in the main body or in the side wings
Choir sits in front of the pulpit so you might want to avoid that
If you are unsure of where to sit or want to sit with someone you know then tell someone in the entrance and they can guide you in.
Our minister leads the service and follows a general format. However, it can vary slightly if it's a visiting speaker or a special service:
Call to worship - typically a reading from the bible
Prayer- adoration confession and praise
Old Testament Bible reading
Collection - free will
Prayer - dedication of offering
Children's talk
Children's hymn
Children up to 7 years are invited to the hall for creche
New Testament reading
Prayer - intercession for the congregation and others
Sermon by the minister or visiting speaker
Prayer - benediction
After the service ends there is an opportunity to meet the minister at the entrance. If you want to discuss further what you heard or anything else just make this known and you can arrange a time to meet.
Hymns are from either the traditional hymn book or Mission Praise book. There is a pipe organ or piano accompaniment (depending on the whim of the organist) and occasionally additional instruments.
The evening service follows a similar format at 7:00pm. Check Evening Service for more details about location as it is alternated twice a month with Pomeroy Presbyterian Church.
On the first Sunday in the month tea/coffee and biscuits are served after the service in the hall. Everybody is welcome to stay for this and have a chat.
Special services:
Special Sunday Services take place though out the year:
Easter Sunday
PW Service
Childrens Day
Remembrance Service
Carol Service - evening
Christmas Day - short service and bring a toy!
Note: This is for guidance - check the Events page or the announcements sheet for up to date dates.